“Make Sure Trump Doesn’t Get Off” Donald Trump Jr. Criticizes Trial Delay as Harmful to His Father

 “Make Sure Trump Doesn’t Get Off” Donald Trump Jr. Criticizes Trial Delay as Harmful to His Father


Donald Trump Jr. explained why a delay in the New York hush money trial was terrible news for his father and would likely “make sure [Donald] Trump doesn’t get off.” During a Monday appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, Trump Jr. expressed his frustrations with the trial proceedings and the implications of the delay.

Justice Juan Merchan announced that the trial’s closing arguments would begin next week instead of by the end of this week. This shift in schedule did not sit well with Trump Jr., who complained that Stormy Daniels’ testimony was unnecessary and designed to embarrass his father. He criticized the inclusion of her testimony as a tactic to prolong the trial and to cause further complications for the former president.

“I think the whole thing’s crazy,” he said. “They’re going to delay the thing for a week. I was about to literally go to the airport to fly up to New York to be in court tomorrow, thinking that tomorrow was going to be closing arguments.”

“Now they want to delay it a week. And that’s the purpose,” he continued. “They understand that Donald Trump on the campaign trail is a positive thing for conservatism, for Donald Trump, and a really bad thing for Joe Biden.”

Trump Jr. was adamant in his belief that the trial was a sham and ridiculous, echoing his father’s sentiments about the case. He suggested that the delay in the closing arguments was a deliberate plot to influence the jury against his father. He claimed that the extended timeline was intended to sway the jury, especially given the upcoming long holiday weekend when media scrutiny would be intense.

In his podcast appearance, Trump Jr. articulated his concerns about the trial’s location and the perceived bias of the jury and judge. He argued that the delay was strategically designed to put pressure on the jury, ensuring that Trump would not be acquitted. According to Trump Jr., the biased environment and media pressure were key factors working against his father.

The delay also has broader implications for Donald Trump, who is the presumptive Republican nominee. It reduces the time he has to prepare for his June 27 debate with President Joe Biden. This added pressure could impact his performance and overall campaign strategy.

Trump Jr.’s comments highlight the ongoing tension and high stakes surrounding the trial. The former president’s legal team is facing significant challenges, not only in the courtroom but also in managing public perception and preparing for the upcoming debate. The delay in the trial’s closing arguments adds another layer of complexity to an already contentious situation.

As the trial progresses, the impact of these delays and the strategies employed by both sides will continue to be closely watched. The outcome of this case could have substantial implications for Trump’s political future and his ongoing campaign efforts. The former president and his supporters remain vocal about their dissatisfaction with the proceedings, emphasizing their belief that the trial is unfairly stacked against him.

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