Melania Trump’s Rose Garden Redesign Sparks Renewed Criticism as Trump Eyes Second Term

 Melania Trump’s Rose Garden Redesign Sparks Renewed Criticism as Trump Eyes Second Term


Melania Trump’s overhaul of the White House Rose Garden, originally designed in 1962 by Rachel “Bunny” Lambert Mellon as a tribute to President John F. Kennedy, has once again ignited a flurry of disapproval online. The renovation, which stripped the garden of its colorful tulips and crab apple trees, was first completed during Donald Trump’s presidency.

As Trump prepares for a possible second term, critics are revisiting the “bland” redesign, Architectural Digest reports. The Rose Garden, known for its vibrant flora and historical significance, was transformed into a more monochromatic space under Melania’s direction, which many have likened to a cemetery due to its stark appearance.

Social media users have expressed their discontent with the changes. @CheryleRPh2 tweeted, “I’m still upset about what Melania did to the rose garden. We all need to vote blue to make sure the tRumps never set foot in the White House again.” Echoing the sentiment, @GigiVoteBlue commented, “She turned it into a cemetery. Lifeless. Like her.”

Others criticized the former First Lady’s aesthetic choices. @UmpquaBadCD added, “Melania had questionable taste in general. She demanded all white flower arrangements. Boring. Melania’s garden re-do evokes a cemetery. She should have planted new crab apples.” Comedian @robdelaney also voiced his frustration, stating, “I am Sick. I’ve tried to keep my mouth shut & I’ll probably delete this, but Melania profaning the White House Rose Garden with her tasteless ‘redesign’ is the final straw. I will no longer be voting for Trump.”

The backlash extends beyond just social media users. Kitty Eisele, a former NPR executive producer, referred to the redesigned garden as “just a sad quadrangle,” while NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell highlighted the removal of the trees, tweeting, “What happened to the trees?”

As per Breitbart, Despite the criticism, the redesign was completed with oversight from the 14-member Committee for the Preservation of the White House and the 3-member Committee for the Preservation of the White House Grounds, along with ten outside advisors. The renovation included the construction of a limestone path to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the introduction of rose bushes in shades of white and pastel.

In addition to the garden changes, Melania Trump also introduced a sculpture by famed Japanese-American artist Isamu Noguchi to the Rose Garden, marking the first inclusion of a work by an Asian American artist in the White House collection. This sculpture, titled “Floor Frame,” was purchased at a Sotheby’s auction for $125,000 by the White House Historical Association. In a statement, Melania said, “Pleased to announce the arrival of Floor Frame, an art sculpture by Isamu Noguchi.

Noguchi is the first Asian American artist to be represented in the White House collection. This sculpture not only showcases diversity within our Nation’s finest art but it also highlights the beautiful contributions of Asian American artists to the landscape of our country.” As discussions about the garden’s aesthetics continue, the controversy underscores deeper sentiments about the Trump family’s influence on national symbols and their legacy in the White House.

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