2015 Dating Tips – Advice for Getting a New Year’s Date

2015 Dating Tips

Get out there and find a casual date to start the New Year with a new outlook on love. The key is to begin looking now, if your mantra on finding a date is a little like going to the dentist—as in, you put it off—think twice. Getting a date is more than just locking lips at midnight; it’s about giving those amorous intentions for the next 12 months a jumpstart. Read on for our five tips to nabbing a New Year’s date.

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Transform yourself into the type of Confident Person you’d want to Date
“New Year’s is the perfect time to try something new and out of the ordinary for you,” says Gail Belsky, author of The List: 100 Ways to Shake Up Your Life. “It doesn’t matter what—as long as you’ve never done it before. Join a community service group or take a class. Sign up for a river rafting or biking trip. You’ll be energized by taking yourself in a new direction, and that’s a really attractive quality.”


Step outside your comfort zone. If that takes getting a new hair style, using a department’s stores gratis personal shopping services or engaging yourself in a new activity, you’ll be setting yourself up as someone you’d want to date: confident, attractive and overflowing with personality. And if nothing else, when you do nab a date your recent activities will be perfect dinner fodder.

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Review or Put up your Online Profile
If you already have your profile on a dating site, consider yourself one step ahead of the rest. You can’t find a date if you aren’t looking for one, or at least letting other people find you. What better way to get a date than to immerse yourself with other likeminded people who are also looking for a relationship? If you already have a profile, think about sprucing it up. Be sure to include all the details that make you interesting, whether that’s your love for surfing or your recent safari.

Ask Friends to set you Up
Yes, blind dates often seem to conjure up all the anxieties and insecurities you never knew you had but as long as you’re up front with your pals about what your looking for in a partner, there shouldn’t be harm in trusting their opinions. However, be sure to meet for a casual date before New Years Eve to make sure this is someone you’d want to spend the evening with. There’s nothing worse than doing the count down to the ball drop with a date you’ve only met hours earlier.

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Call up your Single Friends—or Meet Someone New
You already know each other, which gets the awkward bouts of silence out of the way and if anything you can both goes as friends—single friends. If you want something in life you’ve got to go for it and take it. Why pass up a ‘what could have been moment’ because you were too afraid of what the answer would be? You can find love (or at least a date) anywhere, including in your own social group. Belsky says women should try and be, “really daring and ask someone out. It may be scary, but it’s really simple to do. Once you get over being nervous, you’ll feel great about yourself for doing it.”


Host your Own Party
Why not bring the singles to you? Gather couples and non-couples alike, and throw your own countdown to midnight. As the host, you’ll feel comfortable in your own home, be the center of attention, have an excuse to wear the best frock of the night and have a reason to talk to a special someone you’ve had your eye on.

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